Dear Windmill Families, Welcome to all of our new students and welcome back to our returning students! Following, you will find important information regarding your student's 2022-2023 school year. We look forward to seeing many of you at the orientation. The orientation will be held at our MPR on Wednesday August 3rd. Below you can find the orientation schedule: 5th Grade: 1:30 p.m. 6th Grade: 2: 30 p.m. 7th Grade: 3:30 p.m. If you are unable to attend, please review the documents and presentations provided below and feel free to contact us if you have any questions. You can find more information and documents on our website. Linked to this email, you will find our generic supply list. We highly recommend that you wait until the first week of the school as individual teachers might be giving you more detailed lists. Also, there will be no time or space for supplies during orientation and on the first day of school, so please wait to bring them after school starts. Uniform Update: Both Middle School and Elementary students may wear blue polo shirts this year. 5th-graders are still permitted to wear maroon shirts as well. Students are no longer permitted to wear skirts on campus regardless of grade level. Pants/shorts can be either navy blue or Khaki for all grade levels. Please review all updates within the new Windmill Student Handbook.
Carline placards must be utilized each day and will be given to your student's homeroom teacher on the first day of school to hand out to students if not picked up at orientation. Each student will be given 2. If you need additional placards, please email Ms. Carla at [email protected]. Placards must be placed in the front passenger window of your vehicle during afternoon pick-up.
Schedules will be available through Infinite Campus before the first day of school. If you do not have an Infinite Campus login, please contact Ms. Claudia at [email protected]. If you are unable to access the schedule prior to the start of school, please have your student go to the front office to obtain their schedule from Ms. Carla.
If you have not ordered your student's hot lunches, you can order for the entire month on our website at You will find the Lunch Program under the "Parent & Students" tab. CASLV asks that all of our families apply for the Free and Reduced Lunch (even if they do not believe they will qualify). The application can be found in the Lunch Program tab. Please email completed applications to [email protected].
Only 6th & 7th-grade students are able to be picked up across from the Windmill campus after school or walk home if they have a completed parental consent form. Please see the Parent/Guardian Authorization to Pick Up Form. You will only need to fill out the bottom of the form. Please email the completed form to Ms. Carla or have your student return it to the front office. Without consent, students will have to be picked up in carline. Proper school conduct is expected of all of our students during dismissal and pick-up, including if across the street from the school. The administration will review any violations of our handbook and possibly revoke walking privileges for improper conduct.
Champions is available to meet your before and after care needs. Please contact Windmill's representative at or by phone at 702-300-2026. Please note that Champions registration is mandatory for all students joining our after-school clubs. You will not be charged until the service is utilized.
For information about membership or volunteering for our wonderful PTO please visit
Parent Volunteers: ALL parent volunteers (carline, classroom helpers, Field Trip chaperones, etc) must have a completed volunteer packet. Please contact Ms. Carla at the front desk for the packet.