Welcome Back to School Letter July 2022 - Sandy Ridge
Dear CASLV Sandy Ridge Students and Parents-
Can you believe that we are ready to begin another school year? We are anxiously awaiting our students and are preparing for another successful school year.
Students’ schedules will be available on Wednesday, 8/3/2022 at 2 pm in Infinite Campus. Schedule request changes will not be completed in person, we ask you to email your child's School Counselor. Please note we will not have physical copies of students' schedules for pick up. To see your students schedule, please log into their Infinite Campus account.
Please see attached flyer for uniform sale information. Uniform sales will be held at CASLV Eastgate Campus the week of July 25th for all Henderson campuses. Sandy Ridge students can purchase their uniforms on July 28th from 10 am to 6 pm.
Our annual Used Uniform Sale & Exchange is coming up on July 29th and 30th, 2022 at the Sandy Ridge campus. Please see the attached flier for more details.
Thursday, August 4, 2022 - Sandy Ridge Falcon Round Up (New Parent presentation, sports and club booths)
Sandy Ridge MPR (Parent Presentation)
Please note - this is only for new parents.The presentation will also be sent out to all parents via email after the meeting.
Presentations will begin at
12:30 pm for NEW 8th grade parents
2:00 pm for NEW high school parents
There is no need for returning parents to attend.
Admin will be available after presentations for individual parent & student questions in the MPR. Counseling will be available for questions in the Gym.
Sandy Ridge Gym (Students)
While new parents are in the MPR, students can go to the gym to visit club and athletic booths and learn more about what extracurricular activities are being offered this year.
1pm-2pm 8th Grade Students
2pm-3pm High School Students
Students can drop by at any time during the scheduled hour.
Students and parents can find their classes and tour the campus after presentations.
Tuesday, August 9 - 1st day of school. Students’ schedules will be available on Wednesday, 8/3/2022 at 2 pm in Infinite Campus. If you need assistance accessing your Infinite Campus account please contact our registrar, Ann Rempe at [email protected]
Wednesday September 7, 2022 - Back to School Night - Come meet your child’s teachers and tour the campus.
New Staff We would like to welcome the following staff to the CASLV Sandy Ridge Family:
Nicholas Pero - Social Studies
Brenton Jackley - Social Studies
Darren Stone - Social Studies
Beate Gerevenko- Math
Stacey Ardoin - English
Macey Long - Science
Jose Velasquez - Spanish
These are all amazing individuals with a variety of skills and expertise that will be great additions to our existing team. We still have openings for English and Work Based Learning Coordinator. If you or anyone you know might be interested please have them apply here: https://coralacademylv.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
The gym floor has been resurfaced to ensure our athletics center is prepared for the upcoming sports seasons.
In order to improve internet speeds, new cables and access points have been installed around campus.
Donations We would like to inform you of the opportunity to give a venerable donation of $100 or more to support our flourishing school programs and essential resources. In return, we will provide a thank you letter to you for tax write-off purposes. Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas is a 501 c(3) Nonprofit Organization (EIN Tax ID: 20-8050294. Various programs and resources that your donation will help support include:
Chromebooks/1-to-1 technology for each student
Paper supplies and other consumable resources
Student functions and activities
Online program subscriptions
Supplemental teaching and learning resources
You may donate to our school through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account by selecting the campus and the “Donation” payment item (while you are in Infinite Campus Parent Portal, click Fees and then select Optional Payments for Donations). Once you’re there, you can indicate the amount.
Register My Athlete
All 8-12th grade students must register using “register my athlete”. Students who do not complete registration before tryouts are not eligible to participate. If you have any questions please contact [email protected]
Middle School Sports
Middle school sports do not begin until later in the semester. Please be on the lookout for an email with more information.
High School Fall Sport Tryouts
The first day of the fall sports season is Saturday August 6th. The NIAA requires that athletes only play one sport per season. Students interested in playing a fall sport must attend tryouts and be selected to be on the team.
We will be offering after school care (Champions) this school year please visit https://www.discoverchampions.com/ call (702) 538-6094 for detailed information; additionally, there are a variety of club and tutoring opportunities available for students. Students are asked to visit with individual teachers for more information on their availability.
**If you have any individual questions, please reply to AnhThu Nguyen [email protected] ,registrar -(registration, infinite campus, enrollment, general information) or Brianna Aquino [email protected]front office, athletics, general information)and they would be happy to answer your questions or get them to the right person.